So in the real world when using B2B Bridge it’s likely in some weird scenario or remote location. We’ve recently done a few installs and ironed out a method of getting them updated prior to going on-site, as the process isn’t super simple if especially if they ship with a v1 firmware which all ours in Canada seem to.
Step 1: Plug in both the APs to POE, and one of them also to your LAN. Point them at each other (roughly, doesn’t have to be exact).
Step 2: Check your LAN for their MACs (I use NetScan) and jot down both the IP addresses.
Step 3: Download the latest firmware from UniFi and rename the xyz.bin file to fwupdate.bin
Step 4: Open up WinSCP or any other SCP File Manager client and go to both devices IPs. Go to /tmp and upload the fwupdate.bin file.
Step 5: Open up SSH (Putty, etc) to each of the APs and run the following command. If you’re all lined up and send to each within a second or two then you won’t drop your connection to the upgrade2 &
Step 6: Wait patiently for both the APs to come up from their firmware update (ping -t 192.168.1.x) … not so patient after all.
Now it’s choose your own adventure time… If you host your controller in the cloud you can adopt them ahead of time. Otherwise you may have to do this on-site.
Step 7: Bring both APs online, you should be able to SSH to each of them, and adopt.
Step 8: Adopt in your controller!